Palliative Care

It can be very distressing to see how a terminal illness affects a loved one. Ringstead can help by providing specialist support with the day-to-day things so your family can make the most of your time together. A Person-Centred Active Support approach is used to make a tailor-made care plan to fit in your preferences and would be reviewed frequently and therefore will be flexible, bespoke and will be fully discussed and agreed with you.

Having palliative care at home means your family member or friend can remain in the place they feel most comfortable, surrounded by their memories and the people they love. With the one-to-one support of a compassionate carer, who is experienced in palliative care, they will have specialist support whenever they need it.

One of the main benefits of palliative care at home is that it allows somebody to pass away peacefully in their own home, with someone they know and trust nearby. As well as being reassuring for the person receiving care, knowing this can give peace of mind to families and close friends too.

It is usually easier for friends and family to visit at a person’s home. Round-the-clock care also means that any changes in condition will be noticed and responded to quickly. Family members can carry on with their lives, knowing they will be notified of any developments.

Whether you are looking for a full-time live-in carer or a carer for those times when you need some extra help, Ringstead can provide the full range of care services for palliative and end-of-life care. For personal care, overseeing medication, cooking meals or sharing memories over a cup of tea, our support covers whatever you need.

If you would like to find out more about our Respite Care and how we can support you, please CONTACT US

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