Person Centred Active Support ( Fusion Model )

Our Services are based on the concept of Person-Centred Active Support – a way of supporting people so that they are engaged in meaningful activity and relationships as active participants. And as a result, they exercise more control over their lives and experience greater levels of inclusion, independence and choice. Ringstead use the Fusion Model of support to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Providing person-centred support requires us to understand the people we support. This may seem obvious, but it is important to note that this understanding is not limited to knowing how to meet people’s assessed needs. Person-centred support requires an understanding of what is important to each individual, what their positive qualities are and what they want for their future.

This approach is becoming more widely used across the healthcare sector. Our staff teams are trained in Person-Centred Active Support at induction to ensure that everyone understands this way of working right from the beginning of their career with us.

At the centre of our model, are the people we support because they are at the centre of everything we do. Surrounding them are eight segments that reflect all the specialist skills that we believe are necessary to provide excellent support. These segments also include some of the ethical and moral considerations we consider when providing services.

Surrounding these segments are the supporting themes: ‘care about’ runs through everything we do, ensuring we provide ‘quality’ services that are ‘continually improving’.

Person-Centred Active Support (PCAS)

We put people at the centre of everything. The people we support have always been and will always be at the heart of everything we do, so they are at the centre of our Fusion Model.

“Person-Centred Active Support is a way of supporting people, so they are engaged in meaningful activity and relationships as active participants, exercising more control over their lives and experiencing greater levels of inclusion, independence and choice.” (Tizard Centre)

Everything we do is based on their view of what a ‘best possible life’ looks like; all the support we offer is aimed at helping them to live with more independence and choice.


We empower people to make their own choices.

At Ringstead we make sure the people we support are as aware as they can be about the range of options available to them. When people make choices about what’s right for them, they feel more in control – even if others might disagree with their choices. Our staff understand the importance of balancing the right of those we support to make their own decisions with the responsibility we have to keep them safe.

Creative Solutions

We strive to do things differently

Life has too often been about what people can’t do, rather than what they can; about limiting risks, rather than experiencing freedom. At Ringstead we think openly and imaginatively to find new ways of enhancing the lives of the people we support. By pushing boundaries and challenging assumptions, we help people to live the best life possible.

Families and other Partnerships

We are committed to working together.

Supporting people so they can have the best life possible means working in partnership; not only with them and their family and friends, but also with local authority staff, health professionals, volunteers and other support providers, welcoming and valuing what everyone contributes. This takes skills, experience and time. At Ringstead we build the kind of supporting relationships that can change someone’s life.

Healthy, Safe and Well

We help people to live well while staying safe

At Ringstead we take a positive approach to the people we support, looking for ways to meet their full range of physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, and spiritual needs. We work with people to understand what the ‘best life possible’ looks like for them. Sometimes this might involve them making decisions or taking risks that others don’t approve of. We will always safeguard people from harm, but we believe independence and choice are more than just words.

Personal Growth

We find ways for people to own their futures

At Ringstead we help the people we support to take control of their lives. We find creative opportunities for them to develop as individuals, if they want to. That might include embracing new skills, widening their interests, and having new experiences. Even the smallest change can make a huge difference to an individual’s sense of independence, self-confidence and esteem.

Personalised Technology

We use technology to change lives, technology can enhance the lives of the people we support – but only if it supports an individual’s unique desires and needs.

At Ringstead we conduct detailed personal assessments of the people we support, working with them and their families and support staff to find creative ways for technology to improve their lives both now and in the future.

Specialist Skills

We go beyond “just caring”

Supporting people with complex, multiple needs require more than a desire to look after them. It takes specialist skills based on proven expert knowledge and best practice. At Ringstead we invest heavily in the training and development of our support staff to ensure they have the skills and experience they need to help people with the most complex and multiple needs. Where possible, the people we support also get a say in who will be supporting them, so before any decisions are made, they get to meet any potential support staff. This means that both parties can feel confident that they are the best possible fit for one another.

Total Communication

We never stop trying to engage with people

Total Communication is about connecting with the people we support in the way that best suits them, including verbal and non-verbal styles. This means not only speech, tone, gesture and body language but also using the variety of tools available to improve interactions.

Let's help you!

Contact us today to arrange free, no-obligation care consultation for you or your loved one. Please fill out the form below. Our caring, capable, knowledgeable team are ready and willing to answer any questions or concerns you may have and will get back to you shortly.